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Building employee ownership over purpose

Industry : Professional Services
Company size : 4500
grant thornton logo
Building employee ownership
With a new CEO at the helm, Grant Thornton were seeking to create a positive change within their firm and the professional services sector as a whole. They asked for our support in refreshing their purpose and engaging their people.

We brought teams together in groups spanning both client-facing and support teams to reflect upon what they felt proud about in their roles at Grant Thornton. Using their individual stories, positive memories and even a few teary moments, we rebuilt pride in Grant Thornton, then helped leaders reinforce this by using the new purpose — ‘Doing what’s right ahead of what’s easy’ — to make bold business decisions.
The Outcomes
Engaged colleagues with purpose and built organisation-wide ownership over it
Connected teams and built cross-firm support between them throughout uncertainty of the COVID pandemic

Increase in colleagues feeling inspired


Said that Grant Thornton’s new purpose was one they could get behind

The Strategic Difference
We helped colleagues rebuild their belief in the power of purpose, giving them collective ownership over shaping something that felt authentic to them, not just marketing jargon.
We drove behaviour change at a leadership level, coaching and upskilling them to role model the purpose in their daily actions and to use it to make big strategic decisions, proving it was more than just words.

“I’ve often heard Kin&Co referred to as the best purpose consultants in the world, and so far they’ve lived up to their reputation and more. They’ve guided us through a challenging process, helping to keep us on track, avoid common pitfalls and ensure our purpose is right for the firm. I feel both reassured and relieved that we have them on board. Totally worth the investment.”

perry burton
Perry Burton
Head of People and Culture,
Grant Thornton

Our work speaks volumes

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